Become A Member
The Tropical Fruit Growers of South Florida works to educate growers in new cultural practices and research findings in tropical fruits, and to increase public awareness of these crops . We invite you to join the TFGSF organization and be a part of these goals.
Benefits of membership:
being made aware of and receiving invitations to attend educational meetings, workshops, and seminars intended to increase your knowledge of growing and marketing tropical fruit.
receiving timely email updates that will keep you informed about the latest news affecting the industry.
becoming associated with other commercial growers and advisors—many of whom have been growing tropical fruit for decades.
linking your farm’s website and/or your own product and contact information to the TFGSF website www.tropicalfruitgrowers.com.
helping to support the group and its many initiatives that promote Florida’s tropical fruit to potential buyers.
There are two levels of membership in TFGSF:
Commercial Grower : $100.00 USD – yearly
These members have ½ acre or more of crops in production.
​Enthusiasts and Supporters of Florida’s tropical fruit industry : $25.00 USD – yearly
Donations are greatly appreciated.
Members can join or renew membership via PayPal, or
by sending a check made out to Tropical Fruit Growers of South Florida to the following address:
Tropical Fruit Growers of South Florida, Inc.
18710 SW 288 St.
Homestead, FL 33030
We thank you for your support!
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