The first two months of the new year bring occasional cold fronts of less than 60⁰F to south Florida.
Instead of wishing them away as many of our winter visitors do, growers here welcome
these intermittent periods of low temperatures. It is these cool temperatures that stimulate
many of our summer time tropical fruit trees into flower, and these flowers will likely
become fruit in the coming months. In between the cold snaps most of our winter days
are warm and sunny, perfect to ripen our winter fruits.
Check below to see what fruits are available from our growers.
The fruits listed below are typically ripe during January. However, due to the variations in weather patterns
throughout the year and cultural practices, the fruits may ripen earlier or later then listed. Please
contact the growers to see when their fruit is at its prime and ready to harvest.
now until February
The many varieties of Florida avocados each ripen in different months, which makes for
a long avocado season. Unfortunately for avocado lovers, the end of that season
is almost here! Contact our growers now to order your Florida avocados
before they are gone for the season!
Click here to reach our avocado growers
limited availability
During the winter months Florida bananas slow down their growth with the
cooler temperatures, but they still keep producing those flavorful bananas
that we all love!
Our banana growers can ship fruit to you today!
now until June
The caimito season is just now starting. You may have heard caimito called star apple before,
as the seeds inside the fruit form a star when the fruit is cut in cross section. The translucent,
jelly like flesh is sweet and can be easily scooped right out of the purple or
green rind with a spoon. A delicious treat!
Contact our growers here to enjoy our Florida caimitos!
limited availability
Guava trees are pruned so that they produce fruit at any time of the year, so you
can find guava all throughout the four seasons. Guavas can be eaten fresh
or made into sauces and jams for a positively delicious tropical treat!
Contact our growers here to order some Florida guava today.
limited availability
Papaya fruit is grown year round in south Florida, with the peak season from July to October.
While some fruits slow down during the cooler temperatures, Florida papaya are
ripe for the picking during January. The Florida papaya is a large fruit that is green
on the outside, a beautiful orange sunset color on the inside,
and tastes of a tropical melon.
So tasty!
Contact our Florida growers for some delicious exotic papaya!
Passion Fruit
peak season now
It may be a small fruit, but it packs A LOT of flavor for juices, cocktails, syrups, and
many other flavorful delights. Try this exotic fruit and you will be instantly
transported to the tropics!
Order your passion fruit from our growers here.
now through June
The tropical fruit that tastes like a pear covered in brown sugar is now ready
for picking,.. AND enjoying!!! Just like with avocados, mangos, and other fruits,
Florida grows several varieties of sapodilla that each ripen at different times
over the winter, spring and early summer. This will give you plenty of opportunities
to enjoy these tasty fruits in the new year!
Contact our sapodilla growers here to enjoy some wonderful Florida sapodilla!
Starfruit / Carambola
now until February
The starfruit trees are now heavy with fruit, and they will continue to have fruit
well into February. These lightly sweet fruits are crisp, juicy and perfect for
dessert, stir-fry’s, salads, and eating out of hand.
Contact our starfruit growers here.