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Sugar Apple Annona

Jakfruit has the distinction of being the world’s largest fruit, some of which have weighed in at over 100 lbs! However, our Florida growers have plenty of jakfruits  that weigh A LOT less! This fruit is popular in Asian and Indian cooking and almost all parts of the fruit can be eaten. The rind can be steamed as a vegetable, the seeds can be toasted, and the flesh surrounding the seeds can be enjoyed for that delicious Juicy Fruit gum flavor that many say it resembles. Order your jakfruit from our growers below, and enjoy!


Season: April to December


Nutritional Info


Jakfruit video


Handling Jakfruit


Growing Jakfruit - UF/IFAS Factsheet

Jakfruit Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.

Where To Buy:

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