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We continue to enjoy the changing, and now cooler, weather as Fall is officially here. The summer fruit crops of lychee, longan, and mango, are done for the year and the fall fruit crops of

dragon fruit, jackfruit, and starfruit are going strong.

Check the listings below to see what tropical fruits are ripe for the picking!


The fruits listed below are typically ripe during October. But due to the variations in weather patterns

throughout the year and cultural practices, the fruits may ripen earlier or later then listed.

Please contact the growers to see when their fruit is at its prime and ready to harvest.





now until February


The Florida avocado crop continues to ripen on the trees. Our avocado growers plant

many different varieties of avocado so that there are fresh avocados available

for almost every month of the year.


Click here to reach our avocado growers to our avocados shipped to your door.





all year


There are still lots of Florida bananas for you to enjoy in the month of October.

“Raja Puri”, “Mysore” and “Ice Cream” are just a few of the banana varieties

that are grown here and are available for you to enjoy.


Contact our growers for these exotic, tropical treats!




Dragon Fruit

ending soon


October is about the last month when dragon fruit is plentiful. The shorter days

of November will bring the dragon fruit season to a close for this year.


Contact our growers here while the dragon fruits are still going strong.






light crops available


October is usually the last month when the delicious guava is plentiful. Guavas can be grown

in Florida year round, but are most abundant in late summer and early fall. The pink Florida

and the white Thai guavas are available now, so,..


Contact our guava growers here.





through  October


The largest fruit in the world grows right here in south Florida. The jakfruit’s flavor

has been described as tasting like “Juicy Fruit gum” – and that’s a pretty good description!


Contact one of our jakfruit growers here.





now until early fall


This is about the last month when you can purchase fresh, Florida grown mamey sapote,

until next year. The sweet pumpkin flavor of the mamey is delicious eaten fresh

or made into a milkshake.


Place a mamey order with one of our growers here.





now through the fall


Florida papayas are available all year but are most abundant in late summer and early fall.

Contact our grower to see if their papayas are,...

Ripe for the Picking!


Click here to reach our papaya growers!




Starfruit / Carambola

through October


The second starfruit crop of the year will be finishing up at the end of October. These lightly

sweet fruits are crisp, juicy and perfect for dessert, stir-fry’s, salad, and eating out of hand.


Contact our starfruit growers here.













Sugar Apple Annona
Sugar Apple Annona
Sugar Apple Annona
Sugar Apple Annona
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