​As we head into summer, more and more tropical fruits become mature and ready to harvest.
The hot temperatures and long days cause the fruits to grow rapidly and begin
the ripening process. Check the fruits listed below to see what’s ripe in the month of May!
Below is a list of fruits that are typically ripe during May. But due to the variations in
weather patterns throughout the year, the fruits listed below may be earlier or
later by a few weeks then listed. Please contact the growers to see when their fruit is at its prime and
ready to harvest.
plentiful throughout the summer months
Florida bananas are NOTHING like the grocery store bananas. Ours bananas are moist,
have a delicate texture, and have hints of strawberries and citrus and other subtle flavors.
Our growers also raise cooking bananas, which have a lower sugar content
than the dessert bananas, and they make wonderful tostones
and fried plantanos.
Our banana growers can ship fruit to you today!
until June
The caimito fruit is filled with delicately, sweet pulp that is such a treat! We are nearing
the end of the caimito harvest so take advantage of the crop before it’s gone!
Contact our caimito growers here.
limited quantity
Guava fruits are available year round in south Florida in limited amounts. We have both
the white, crisp Thai guava that is eaten out of hand, in salads, or dipped
in a dried chili and sugar mixture, and the pink, fragrant Florida guava
that is used in pastries, smoothies, and cakes.
It’s hard to choose!
Contact our growers here to help you choose!
now until late June
It’s Lychee time!!! Yes, the juicy, sweet fruits are finally ripe and ready for shipping.
It’s been a long year since we have tasted these delicious fruits, and they are every bit
as good as we remember!
It’s a relatively short season for lychees, just a few weeks, so order your lychees
directly from our growers to get the freshest lychees around!
Click here to reach our lychee growers!
now until early fall
Once a mamey aficionado, always a mamey aficionado. The sweet pumpkin-y flavor
of mamey gets you hooked right from the first bite,
and those first bites of the season are here.
Place a mamey order with one of our growers here.
season just beginning
Finally, the mango season has begun. When you love mangos,
the season can’t start soon enough! Florida mangos can be eaten in the green stage,
when they are used in salads and in chutneys, and also when fully ripe.
When going for ripe mangos, our Florida mangos can’t be beat for quality and flavor.
now throughout the summer
Florida papayas grow all year, although the summer months are when they are most plentiful.
Contact our grower to see if their papayas are,...ripe for the picking!
Passion Fruit
through the summer
The small round fruits of the passion fruit vine are ready for harvest in May.
These fruits contain intensely flavored juice that add a delicious component
to any sweet or savory dish!
Our passion fruit growers are listed here.
now to June
We are wrapping up the Sapodilla season at this time. There are a few fruits still on the trees
but the main crop is definitely winding down. The next crop will begin in the late fall.
Contact our growers to get the last of the sapodilla crop for the season.